
Meet the spartans full movie online free megavideo
Meet the spartans full movie online free megavideo

meet the spartans full movie online free megavideo

While previous entries inthe Friedberg/Seltzer canon poked fun-using the word 'fun' veryloosely-at whole genres of movies, like romantic comedies and summerblockbusters, Meet The Spartans focuses mainly on one film, 300. Instead, they get by with badmovies that are more marketable than the bad movies they're competing against. In another life, Friedberg and Seltzer might havebeen successful bumper-sticker salesmen, always in search of new objects ofscorn for Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes to piss on.

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Meet TheSpartans iswillfully disposable, leaning heavily on references to timeless culturaltouchstones like Stomp The Yard and the 'Leave Britney Alone!' guy. They've done it for three years in a row, and the strategy so farhas led to big opening weekends followed by precipitous drop-offs once wordgets around that, shockingly, their movies are fucking terrible. At the beginning of the year, during the pre-Oscardoldrums when studios quickly and quietly dump failed projects into theaters todie ignoble deaths, Friedberg and Seltzer release another half-assed, quickiespoof flick. Jason Friedberg and AaronSeltzer, the writer-director-producer team behind Date Movie, Epic Movie, and now Meet TheSpartans,have a nice racket going. So this version is working the both OS X and if you desire to use it on the mobile devices so it allows you can easily run it on the iPhone and other Android devices.

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